5(item does not support the IJvDataItemText interface)internal error€The Default Root Value "%0:s" has been replaced with "%1:s". Please change the value in the FileVersionInfo Project Properties.Unable to create key '%s'Error enumerating registry Invalid typeUnknown base type for given set Invalid path'%s' is not a unique root pathCircular reference of storagesThe node must be given a namePath '%s' does not existsXML Node names cannot contain white space and the WhiteSpaceReplacement property is empty. Please set the WhiteSpaceReplacementProperty to a non empty value.CThe WhiteSpaceReplacement property cannot contain any white spaces. XML Node names cannot contain invalid chars ("%s") and the InvalidCharReplacement property is empty. Please set the InvalidCharReplacement to a non empty value.9"%0:s" is not an allowed character for the %1:s property.